Friday, May 30, 2014

2014 Creative Convention for 4th, 5th, snd 6th Grade

Students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade participated in the annual Creative Convention hosted by Mr. Tatum at CIS.  Events included a laser beam relay, Scategories, K'Nex "write it/build it", Chopper Challenge, and Odyssey of the Mind-Spontaneous Response.  Students rotated through all of the stations, in teams, earning points to be crowned champions!  One of our five CIS teams placed third!


Thursday, May 8, 2014

4th and 5th-Grade Lit Fest

Student in 4th and 5th grade participated in the annual Lit Fest hosted by Fort Cherry.  Events included a matching station, trivia, Win, Lose, or Draw, and Who am I (character QR codes).  Each student participating was excited and engaged throughout the entire event!  Students were able to Skype with Mr. Chris Grabenstein, author of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, and ask teacher selected questions.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

6th-Grade Literature Festival

6th-Grade students from CIS participated in the annual Literature Festival at Burgettstown High School.  Events included trivia, Taboo, Scene it?, arts and writing, and performing arts.  Students also earned extra points by dressing as a character from one of the novels included in the reading.